You might be searching for getting solar power installation or might be doing research about what to look before getting a solar installation. Or, it might be that you had a bad experience of having a solar installation and that’s why you want to research it in depth.
Wants to know how does a poor installation looks like? Well, we will tell you some of the things which will help you to distinguish between good or bad installation.
1. Panels WAY too close to the edge of the property
Your solar panels should not be extended over the edges of the room in any situation or circumstances. The reason behind this is that the wind might get underneath the solar panels and weakens the fixtures as well. Another reason can be the rainwater might fly over the gutter and lead to a dangerous situation. The positioning of your solar panels depends on your property’s locations and sun-facing direction. There are several criteria in each state of Australia to specify how solar panels will be placed and allowed to form the edges. Make sure the installer is CEC accredited and follows the Australian standards during PV installation. They should coordinate with the racking manufacturer as well and work according to their recommendations.
2. Unsightly yellow/browning panels or discoloring
You might have noticed that the panels become yellow or brown discoloration. Do you know the reason behind it? This happens because these panels might have experienced something after a duration period which is called “ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) degradation. Also, this discoloration may be caused due to a hotspot which is the most common in low-quality solar panels. All these factors may reduce the lifetime of solar panels and you may face power loss as an outcome. If you see any of these situations, we would suggest you replace your solar panels under the warranty period and try to notice these things carefully.
3. Dangerously exposed cables
Exposed cabling can be very dangerous for your homes. So all the solar paneling cables should be in a conduit so as to prevent any mishappening. If the cables are exposed to the elements, they will slowly rub against the roof. We provide the best cabling and wiring services for your PV installation for homes and commercial spaces.
4. Poor panels positioning /shading
Proper positioning of solar panels is very important as they work best when there is no shade upon them. So if a single panel in a group of panels set is under shade, the whole group will be affected and reduce the power output as well. It is very necessary to inspect the location before installing the panels. The installer must remove the obstructions before positioning the panels and make sure it does not fall under a shaded area.
5. Unsightly arranged panels
Always look after the unsightly panels which are placed badly and have dangerous tilt frames, dust marks, cracks on the panels, or highly exposed cabling. If you find any of these, consult your installer immediately and make the necessary changes to it. Our team will always look into considerations and how the solar system will fit your locations. Feel free to contact us with any queries. We will be glad to assist you and help you to resolve all your queries related to solar PV installation.